The Future of Foodis a National Geographic exhibition in Rome, Italy, exploring the main challenges associated with the future of food: the impact of agriculture and livestock breeding on climate, habitats and forests, the wasting of food and the new face of hunger, as well as the next green revolution. Hosted atPalazzo delle Esposizioniuntil 15th March 2015, the exhibition displays over 90 photographs taken throughout the world by the magazine’s leading professionals.
The images here are a selection of the ones that are shown in the exhibition and represent some of the best photographers of National Geographic. The photos give us a closer look at food production around the globe, as well as consumer actions. It is an important part of the culture of food and gastronomy — reflection on what it means for each person. Food is personal and these stunning images reflect that sentiment.
Palazzo delle Esposizioni
Via Nazionale, 194
00184 Roma