What are your earliest memories of being interested in food?
When I was 9 my father invited a few friends for dinner at our home. Even though this was a casual occasion, he cooked for two days in order to prepare many delicious dishes. I was fascinated by all this dedication and care for details.
What would you say has inspired your cooking the most?
What inspires me the most is the knowledge that guests appreciate my creations.
Describe your culinary style…
I consider cooking as a technical achievement, an art and a culture. I always strive to improve my work in all of these aspects
What do you think has made Tsé Fung so successful?
A combination of good leadership and good teamwork.
Three main points: focus on client satisfaction, use the best materials, become the best Chinese in Switzerland then in Europe.
What does it mean for you to be given a Michelin Star and to be the only Chinese restaurant in Switzerland to be awarded one?
It means a lot for me. Having a Michelin star is a dream for almost all chefs. For clients it is a sure sign of quality. For our team and our collaborators it is anencouragement to keep striving hard towards perfection.
What are your most indispensable ingredients?
The ingredients at the base of my recipe for success are teamwork and support from the management team.
What kind of experience do you aim to give guests at your restaurant?
Once clients arrive at our restaurant they must feel at home, discover new tastes and live an unforgettable experience.
What would you say has been the most memorable moment in your culinary career so far?
The moment I will never forget is the day I joined La Reserve. I am very proud of being part of this extraordinary team. I also remember fondly the day we went to Zurich to receive our MIchelin star with our General Manager Laurent Branover whom I admire and appreciate a lot.
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self, starting out a career in the world of food?
If I could go back in time I would tell my younger self to spend more time learning about the different culinary styles in the world.
What’s next for you/ What projects do you have lined up?
Event though obtaining this first star was an achievement we still need to improve in several areas. Our long-term objective is to reach the second star.
What is your guilty pleasure?
I love to spend time in flea markets, it brings me a lot of satisfaction to discover hidden treasure
What restaurant is currently at the top of your list to dine at?
Paul Bocuse is a very famous name, especially for us chefs, and I have been curious to discover his creations, which is why I’m very interested inL’Auberge duPont deCollonges near Lyon.
Find out more about Chef Xu andTséFung at La Reserve Geneva here |www.tsefung.ch