Known for their commitment to outstanding quality and craftsmanship, Oettinger Davidoff is passionate about their customers and always looking for ways to surprise and innovate their brands. The Swiss company has a heritage dating back almost 150 years and is still proudly producing top-quality handmade cigars and high-quality cigar accessories.
Working closely with their expert Master Blenders in the Dominican Republic and their talented design teams, Davidoff blends expertise and experience with heart and soul to create a timeless collection of signature products and limited edition novelties.
For this year, Davidoff has surpassed itself with the latest offering of Gift Selections designed with givers, novices and aficionados in mind. Whether as a present for a loved one, or a treat to oneself, Davidoff’s exclusive cigars or the new premium cigar accessories promise to delight and bring pleasure to any cigar lover’s collection.
Above: The Davidoff Urban Architecture Humidor is a perfect gift for the cigar enthusiast.
For serious cigar enthusiasts, Davidoff recommends gifting its Royal Release cigar in the robusto or salomones format – a one-of-a-kind gift that showcases Davidoff’s exceptional commitment to craftsmanship and quality. Blended from tobacco grown in the richest of soils and crafted by hand-picked cigar makers, these cigars take 10 years to come to fruition and are a true gem in any cigar collection. Boasting exquisite and regal flavours of brioche, roasted almonds and leather, this is one of the finest cigars the brand has ever created. Majestic and unique, even the Aromatica Dominicana wrapper has been specially chosen for its extraordinary beauty and brilliance making this gift one that will be hard to compete with.
Likewise, the new Davidoff Urban Architecture Humidor adds that luxe touch to any enthusiast’s smoking stock. A beautiful storage system that holds between 80-135 cigars, the Davidoff Urban Architecture Humidor is a must for any aficionado looking for a contemporary and stylish solution to match their elegant interior. Handmade in Germany, every detail of the humidor has been carefully considered, so that it is both functional and attractive. From the elaborate push-to-open system to the elegant display glass lid, the Davidoff Urban Architecture Humidor offers ideal storage conditions for your premium cigar collection.
Other gifts to delight the aficionado include the Prestige Lighters The Leaves Limited Edition. The new Davidoff Prestige Lighter sparks joy with every lighting. Tobacco leaves, the very core of every cigar, inspired the design of the limited edition: With a palladium or golden finish respectively, both lighters elegantly present engraved tobacco leaves on their exterior. A uniquely fan-shaped soft flame provides for an even, harmonious lighting of the cigar. The serial number is engraved at the bottom of each of the 250 available pieces per finish, making the lighter an even more desirable accessory for collectors.
Above: Davidoff Royal Release, Davidoff Prestige Lighters Limited Edition and the Davidoff Urban Architecture humidor are exclusive gift ideas for aficionados.
Giver gift suggestions include the Gift Selection Robusto – a gift selection box intended for those who want to indulge in a journey into everything Davidoff has to offer in terms of flavours, formats and intensity.
To meet various needs and preferences, the brand presents different selections to choose from; one containing five of Davidoff’s best-selling robustos, one that includes six figurados, a special shape that requires years of experience and expertise to roll and which is proof of Davidoff’s competence in craftsmanship, and a further two that offer Davidoff’s most coveted cigars* and formats**.
Presented in a beautiful wooden cigar box, all Davidoff Gift Selections are the perfect gift for the holiday season. Alternative ideas include the brand new handcrafted Air de Famille Olive Wood Humidor and the Davidoff Concrete Ashtray, both beautifully presented and built to last a lifetime.
Above: The perfect gifts for givers – Davidoff Gift Selection Robusto, Davidoff Concrete Ashtray and the Davidoff Air de Famille Olive Wood Humidor.
Not forgetting the novice, Davidoff has also curated an exclusive list of gift ideas the festive period that would please those new to the world of cigars.
With its Tubos Selection White, the Double Blade Cutter and Jet Flame Lighter Lines, these Davidoff offerings are sure to inspire and boost the caliber of any budding cigar smokers’ assemblage.
Above: The perfect gifts for novices – Davidoff Double Blade Cutter, Davidoff Tubos Selection White and the Davidoff Jet Flame lighter.
Premium handmade cigars, unique taste experiences and elegant, cutting-edge accessories are the experts’ specialty. “Shared joy is a double joy”, says Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff Group. “I am pleased that this holiday season, we can once again delight aficionados around the world with all the products we so passionately create day in and day out. Especially with our new lighters, diversified gift selections and special cigars, we offer a range of gifts which will fill givers and presentees with love and joy.”
As a reputable brand that conducts itself with unquestionable integrity, you can be sure that a gift from Davidoff is hallmarked with the brand’s utmost quality, care and craftsmanship.
Find out more at or on Instagram at @davidoffcigars
*not available in the US **available in the US only